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Gantry 5

Mise à jour Majeur de Gantry 5. Gantry 5 est maintenant pleinement compatible Joomla 3.8. La mise à jour se faisait sans soucis mais l'installation sur un Joomla 3.8 posait problème avec la version 5.4.17.

La nouveauté est l'ajout de polices responsives "mixin". Ces polices étaient déja intégrées dans les derniers templates RocketTheme. Elle font parties maintenant du "core de Gantry.

L'utilisation de ces polices est visible avec l'unité vh.

Version 5.4.18 changelog en anglais

Date : 09/29/2017

  1. Common
      • Added responsive-font mixin to Nucleus (#2106)
      • Added link target option for Logo / Image particle (#1887)
      • Trigger change visualizer when selecting an image (#2059)
      • Fixed inheritance overlay in Layout Manager masking all sections in a block of a container (#2114)
      • Fixed error when cloning a section with no particles (#2116, thanks @drnasin
      • Fixed IE Edge issue in admin where the navigation bar would disappear and never reappear (#2118)
      • Properly update Collapse / Expand titles when using Collapse All / Expand All (#2004)
  2. Joomla
      • Added official Joomla 3.8 support (#2111)
      • Fixed particles not using selected timezone (#2072)
      • Fixed frontend editing error when trying to open media picker (#2102)
  3. WordPress
      • Added multi-language support for outline assignments (#634)
      • Fixed double escaping links, titles and users name in WP Posts particle (#2085)
  4. Grav
      • Grav Content particle looks now for authors name, alias or username in page header
      • Added option to cli command bin/plugin gantry5 child-theme to clone the theme settings (#2086)
      • Fixed outline/particle assignments when Include default language in Grav was No (#2115)
      • Fixed outline assigment priority to slightly prefer outlines assigned to language
      • Fixed cases where the top level menu would wrap below the theme title in admin (#2099)
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