What is a template?
A template or Layout is anything that determines or serves as a pattern; a model. For a website, it is its "Dressing", which is visible to Internet users
The use of the term template with Joomla! Is therefore a kind of abuse of language. It is a specific "component" that governs a set of style rules that control the appearance and display of your site's content on the screen. It is completely separate from your content, and Joomla! Code.
Well knowing its template means taking control of all the appearance and design of its site.
Responsive web design
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a configuration in which the server sends the same HTML code to all devices. The CSS language is used to adapt the display of the page to the device.
Google algorithms automatically detect this configuration if all Googlebot user-agents are allowed to crawl the page and its elements (CSS, JavaScript, and image files).
Google has officially announced that it will penalize websites that are not mobile compatible.
More information at Google : Sites Web mobile-friendly
All the sites I develop are / will of course be "Web mobile-friendly"
You are looking for a design for your site :
Free Joomla template - go to Siteground for exemple (inconvenient, no update)
Templates Generator - Aristeer or Template creator CK
Joomla templates Club
Here is a list of the best known. The trend is now in Responsive Design (that is to say also readable on tablets and smartphone). They also offer free templates.
My favorite
- RocketTheme,Gantry, my first choice … http://www.rockettheme.com/joomla
- JoomlArt : my second choice … http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/templates
- IceTheme : http://www.icetheme.com/
- JoomShaper : http://www.joomshaper.com/joomla-templates
Otherwise in alphabetical order:
- A4Joomla : http://a4joomla.com/
- Accessible Template : http://www.accessibletemplate.com/
- asTemplates : http://www.astemplates.com/
- JoomlAge : à découvrir... http://www.joomlage.com/joomla-templates
- JoomlaMan : à découvrir.... http://www.joomlaman.com/
- Joom Avatar : http://joomavatar.com/
- JoomlaShine : http://www.joomlashine.com/
- JoomSpirit : à découvrir.… http://www.template-joomspirit.com/
- Joomla-Themes : http://joomla-themes.fr/
- JoomlaTheme co : http://joomlathemes.co/
- Gavick : http://www.gavick.com/joomla-templates.html
- Globbers Themes : http://www.globbersthemes.com/
- MixWebTemplates : http://www.mixwebtemplates.com/
- Shape5 : http://www.shape5.com/
- ThemeXpert : http://www.themexpert.com/
- YooTheme : http://www.yootheme.com/
- WSResponsive : http://www.ws-responsive.com/
A lot of choices. Navigate within the DEMO spaces of these websites to get a global overview of your graphic chart. If you have the appearance you are looking for but not excacently the right colors, do not worry, they are all modifiable.
By default I will offer you a basic gantry-framework (Gantry 5), from RocketTheme with the latest version of joomla!. Their templates have the advantage of being complete, ergonomic, fast and customizable. You can adapt them easily to your needs thanks to their Framework (Gantry). In addition, starting from the base template, there is no need to update. They are "free", OpenSource, as well as all their extensions.
The option of choosing to a paid template will do according to your desire and your specifications.