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I have started English version of the blog august 2017, most of previous articles are in french, sorry
Particule - Restaurant Booking

The new Restaurant Booking particle En Toutes Lettres allows you to manage your online reservations. It is dedicated to restaurants but can be used for many other sectors of activity. This particle uses a platform dedicated to forms, Simple Form, which makes the interface between your site and your mail. Simple Form fits easily into Gantry 5 particles.

This particle follows the general principle of the "Booking Form" particle of RocketTheme presented with the Sienna template.

The particle is separated into three parts:

  • Main info (token, messages)
  • static fields (Name, Email, Comment, Button)
  • and the variable fields to set yourself (Date-Calendar, Time-Texte, Party size-Spinner and Phone-Texte).

Language management (FR, EN, DE, ES, IT, PT) of the calendar is managed in the particle.

Become a privileged customer!


En Toutes Lettres is a french company but have no border. We are always present for additional information :

logo gris
  (33) 6 29 16 98 38
En toutes lettres
4 rue Antoine Bréguet

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