A job see on tympanus.net (Codrops) by Mary Lou about some menu link hover effects for your inspiration (Powered by CSS and JavaScript for individual letter animations) gave me idea of this particle. I have added also a Simple menu option.
For Gantry 5, template Hydrogen.
For other templates, unzip the file and do a manual installation
Don't forget to add these 2 lines
@import 'dependencies';
@import 'etl_menuhovereffect';
in your custom.scss (/templates/g5_hydrogen/custom/scss/custom.scss)
or create this file and insert these 2 lines with the help of your text editor (/templates/g5_hydrogen/custom/scss/custom.scss)
See DemoInitial release
The particles in English or in French are technically identical: Only the interface of the particle need to be translated (yalm file). The twig and scss files are similar.
- UNZIP the file on your computer.
- You will find some directories (particles, scss, js, images)
- Copy the directories (including files) to
via your FTP client (like FileZilla)