is the latest website by En Toutes Lettres dedicated to the management of Cooking and Pastry Courses.. Scalable responsive website developed with the Joomla CMS and a template under Gantry 5 Framework (free RocketTheme Hydrogen template).
Site security is provided by a backup component, Akeeba backup, and php optimization and security software, Aesecure.
Joomla latest basic version (3.9.15 at launch 3.9.20 today)
Addded Components and plugins:
- Google Structured Data - Data management tool structured according to Google. A test - This can only help - To be continued!
- OSMap Free - Website map management
- OS gallery
- Easy Frontend SEO - Meta data management
- JCE Editor
- AcyMailing - v6 - Newsletter management
- Event Booking - Joomla Events Registration - eCommerce
- Dictionnary
- System - Regular Labs - Components Anywhere - Free - To insert a "menus" item in the Workshop event
- JooAg Shariff - Management of Social Media buttons for articles
- System - Socialmeta - Management of head tags for text and Image Social networks (Facebook, Twitter) by creating metas for Open Graph.
- System - TJ Minify HTML
- System - Kill dupplicate
- CacheControl
- System - JMB Copy Letters - Copy of contact form messages into Joomla article
Tips and tricks for "Workshop" Event Management
- I manage the text of the Event via the Article Component of Joomla - extensive use of the Article Fields
- I manage the Workshop event (Title, Images, agenda, price) with the Event Booking component.
- I connect the 2 via Components "Anywhere" which inserts the article in my Event. The article is also linked to the Event Booking component via an overide of Joomla links.
- In the end I have my events, Event Booking., And a list of "menu" items that I can manage as a library with tags, both of which are indexed by search engines.
Regarding the Hydrogen template under Gantry 5 - Which looks like Gantry addicts to the Salient template from RocketTheme
2 new Atoms: FixedHeader and Cooki Consent Neo
8 new Particles
- Animated Block - Home page block management
- ETL Grille images (FR)
- Promo Content - Development dedicated for two-color Text banners (green and Orange)
- Horizontal Menu
- Contact
- Crowdsignal (Old Polldaddy) Voting - Ready but not used - Creating surveys and polls
- Accordion
- Latest news
The template itself is customized in my own way - New Outline and dedicated Custom.scss
The site is hosted by o2switch