Dedicated mainly about Joomla! But more if affinity I have started English version of the blog august 2017, most of previous articles are in french, sorry
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It has been a while since I had offered you a new particle. A work seen in 2017 on ("Inspiration for Menu Hover Effects" by Mary Lou) concerning some menu link hover effects (managed by CSS and JavaScript for is the latest website by En Toutes Lettres dedicated to the management of Cooking and Pastry Courses.. Scalable responsive website developed with the Joomla CMS and a template under Gantry 5
Major update of Gantry 5. Gantry 5 is now fully compatible with Joomla 3.8. The update was done without worries but the installation on a Joomla 3.8 was problem with version 5.4.17.