Dedicated mainly about Joomla! But more if affinity I have started English version of the blog august 2017, most of previous articles are in french, sorry
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After the site En Toutes Lettres, the Gantry 5 demonstration site, Hydrogen template, dedicated mainly to the particles developed by En Toutes Lettres, but also to variations around the Hydrogen template, made new
If you have redirect your website from http to https (via an SSL certificate) and you use the free version of GmapFP, your map no longer appears in your website (http / https conflict).
Some improvements and bug fixes Added AJAX support for particles. Helium/Hydrogen: added missing styling for disabled button state For the 5.4.16 just a layout correction that I
As promised, the En Toutes Lettres website has been updated.
The first news is the gradual abandonment of the part "Public Writer", Isabelle reserving for a whole new activity "Chief Cook", a return to the sources of
Quelques améliorations et corrections de bug, pas de réelle nouveauté. Ajout d'un nouveau format de date pour la particule Joomla Articles: Month Day, Year !Pas trop interssant